Memorial Day is coming soon and for many Americans that means barbecues, parades, a three day weekend or the start of summer. But Memorial Day is much more than all these novelties, in fact, it is a very special holiday for our country. This day is a great time for teaching about Memorial Day.

Explaining Memorial Day to your students or children can be a challenge but it can be fun too! We want our children to know why they have the day off of school and understand why we celebrate this day. Memorial Day is a time to honor all those who have died while serving in the armed forces. Teaching about Memorial Day opens the opportunity for many great conversations. Help your students to understand the importance of this day by teaching them the meaning of Memorial Day.

Here are ten simple and easy ways to teach your students about Memorial Day in the classroom:
10 Ways to Celebrate Memorial Day in the Classroom.

1. Read children’s books about Memorial Day
Children love a good read aloud. Selecting books that capture the meaning of Memorial Day will help children understand the reason we celebrate this day. Click on one of the links below to find a selection of books about Memorial Day.
Children’s Activities & Books for Memorial Day

2. Make Patriotic Crafts
Crafts are always fun for kids and it’s even better when you can tie in some kind of meaning or lesson with the craft. Click on the links below to find some patriotic crafts perfect for Memorial day.
7 Patriotic Kids Crafts for Memorial Day

3. Sing Patriotic Songs
There’s just something about singing that makes the heart happy. Singing is a great way to learn and memorize new information. There are plenty of of songs to choose from click the link below to find one.
10 Patriotic Songs for Children

4. Attend a Parade
Celebrate Memorial Day with a parade, you can attend one or watch one on television. If you’re not sure if your town has a parade visit to find out.

5. Visit a Memorial
Visit a memorial with flowers or flags to show honor and respect. Spend time to remember those who died while serving in the armed forces.

I hope you enjoy these simple ideas, if you have any additional ideas for celebrating Memorial Day with children please put them in the comment box below.
Click here to for more resources about Memorial Day.

For more ideas and activities on teaching about Memorial day click here!
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